Gamma 2 Case
Common card
This is a Common product card. It aggregates other offers of similar items
Market hash name
Gamma 2 Case
Case, Weapon Case
Contains one of the following:
CZ75-Auto | Imprint
Five-SeveN | Scumbria
G3SG1 | Ventilator
Negev | Dazzle
P90 | Grim
UMP-45 | Briefing
XM1014 | Slipstream
Desert Eagle | Directive
Glock-18 | Weasel
MAG-7 | Petroglyph
SCAR-20 | Powercore
SG 553 | Triarch
AUG | Syd Mead
MP9 | Airlock
Tec-9 | Fuel Injector
AK-47 | Neon Revolution
FAMAS | Roll Cage
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!